Dans 10 jours
2 - 4 avril
The 4th MOMENTOM International Congress, organized by the Institute for Sustainable Energy will take place from 2nd to 4th of April 2025 at the University Paris-Saclay, in France.
The 4th MOMENTOM International Congress, organized by the Institute for Sustainable Energy of the University Paris-Saclay will take place from 2nd to 4th of April 2025 at the University Paris-Saclay, in France.
The Paris Agreement agenda urges to get rid of fossil fuels as soon as possible while responding to the constant increase in energy demand at the world scale. In the last Report on the global impacts of global warming of 1,5°C above pre-industrial levels, the IPCC traces the different required roadmaps for the future GHG emissions. These adjusted emissions pathways imply winding roads for societies with challenging energy transitions and major trade-off issues between different security stakes. Responding to the global challenges facing our societies requires innovative energy solutions based on low-carbon energies, disruptive technologies and processes as well as enhanced efforts in energy sobriety.
The Congress will focus on the current scientific research, through different disciplines of energy in relation with global warming and Sustainable Development. The aim of the Conference is to connect scientists around the world on the topics of molecules, materials and devices for clean energy, up to the system integration, taking in consideration the socio-economic and legal aspects of the energy transition. The Congress also will provide a forum for scientific discussions between academics and industrials.
registration free but mandatory
Bâtiment Henri Moissan